Working Together
Parents are always consulted on issues that affect the welfare, well-being, learning and development of their children. We ensure that your child’s key person shares information about their care and development on a regular basis and staff are always available to share information about your children on a daily basis either when dropping your child off or collecting them. In addition, you are always welcome to speak to members of senior management.
Throughout your child’s time at Happy Days we will observe and monitor your child’s progress, and record this in their ‘Learning Journey’. You will be welcome to view this at any time although you may prefer to attend one of our parent evenings held throughout the year.
We also welcome observations from yourself, you may have noticed your child has done something for the first time or you have been on a family trip that your child enjoyed, tell us. All of this information will be used to plan next steps and activities for your children to enjoy with us.
We will also keep you updated with regular newsletters and Facebook updates detailing events within the nursery and questionnaires enabling us to evaluate the services we provide for you and your child at Happy Days. We will explore with you the best way to keep you in touch and updated with your child’s progress.
We provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the nursery in ways which are accessible to parents with basic skills needs or those for whom English is an additional language.
Have Questions? Get in touch!
157 Wood Lane, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 9PT
Happy Days Nursery is a trading name of Greets Green Community Enterprises. A company limited by guarantee. Whose Head Office is based at: 157 Wood Lane, Greets Green, West Bromwich B70 9PT. Telephone: 0121 525 2662. Charity Number: 1118242 Company Registered In England 05626767
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